Thursday, May 29, 2014

Atonement and forgiveness

I was supposed to give a talk in church this last week and with it being Easter I decided I was going to give it on the atonement of Jesus Christ.  So there I was at my desk looking up scriptures, and thinking about what I wanted to say and then I. It iced the picture of my family, that I use for a book mark.  I was reflecting on how much I love each and everyone in that picture and then I thought about how happy it will be when I get to hug each one of them and what it will be like at the airport when I go home (this was my trunks moment for the week, please forgive me).  As all of this played out in my mind I had to think to myself that not everyone in that picture would be there, and how I would have only  memories of past embraces to hold onto.  And then I thought about the type of embrace we will have when we return back to our Heavenly Father!  What a glorious. Day that will be!!!  That day that we will see our Eternal Father inHeaven and we will recognize him as such!

BUT none of this would be possible if it weren't for our Savior Jesus Christq.  Eternal life is only possible because of His suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane, and hHis death on the cross.  Those two events are what allows us to have eternal life and to have our bodies joined with our spirit, never again to be separated,always in a glorified and perfect form.

 I don't remember who gave the talk in general conference but they talked about how Mary was at the garden tomb and Christ asked her why she was so upset, and she thought he was just the Gardner, until he called her by name.  And that is when she recognized him as the resurrected Lord.  All of us will be called by our names nod day to face our maker, and we will recognize his loving tone of voice as he embraces each of us, his children!

The plan of salvation is real!  And his plan is perfect! He loves us more than we can ever compared and gave us His only Begotten Son so that we could return and live with him.  Don't take all of this from me.  Find a quiet spots and talk to the Gather who we all left not so long ago and ask him if it is true!  Ask him what we should be doing here on our journey.  And I promise, as a representative of Jesus Christ that he will give you an answer if you have real intent and a sincere heart!  I am just a mortal, and I could not promise such a blessing, that my dear brothers and sisters is coming from your Father in Heaven!

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