So we decided I don't know how to teach kids, especially in another language. They just get bored and end up leaving. So I decided to read the friend for some ideas, and I found this quote, "Your Heavenly Father has known you for a very long time. You as his son or daughter were chosen by him to come to earth at this precise time, to be a leader in His great work on earth! You were not chosen for your bodily characteristics but for your spiritual attributes, such as bravery, courage, integrity of heart, a thirst for truth, a hunger for wisdom and desire to serve others!"
EVERYTHING happens for a reason. And at this specific timing. I don't believe anything is a coincidence. Something's are too perfect to be an accident! We truly have been personally selected by our Heavenly Father to be where we are at this time, and if we are willing we can become an effective tool for him! Nothing is impossible! I promise! Even learning to love those "hard to handle" people is possible.
I read another article from last October Conference and a mom didn't understand why her son had made such bad decisions. Why was he sent to her, she had done her best! And the answer she got was...."I knew you could love him, no matter what he did." Those situations can be hard in the moment and I am learning how to love difficult people, but really it is a privilege when you think about it. Look at the trust Heavenly Father has in you!
Everything has a purpose, even our relationships with others!
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