Thursday, August 14, 2014

Whats your VISION

This letter is about creating a vision, for ourselves, our families, or any other situation or group you may be in. The word vision means "to see a future state; to see the end from the beginning"  So when we create our vision we must know what, or who we want to become what do we want our lives to become?  Then we must visualize our road map and identify key events and types of people that we need in order to accomplish this vision.  In Isaiah 40:31 we learn of some things we must do and include in our vision.  1) we must "wait" upon the Lord the footnote says. It teaches us that we must  hope for or anticipate his will or to know His will for us.  2) We must then "mount up with wings as eagles" I'm sure this could be interrupted many different ways bot for me it means take your vision and direction from the Lord and run with it!  We must do all that we can to make the vision happen.  Nephi and his brothers had a goal/vision. When they went back to Jerusalem to get the plates plan A didn't work so they had to go all the way to plan C.

Alma was commanded to preach the gospel in Ammoniaha.  His first plan failed but he didn't give up.  He went back by a different way, met Amulek and baptized many.  Through these examples we see that when it is inspired of the Lord and we do our VERY BEST, we will succeed.  However KIng Soloman has v=given us a warning about what will happen if we dont create or have a vision.  In proverbs 29:18 "where there is no vision, the people perish."

So I took the time to do a lifttle self reflection and I created a vision fo my life.  To share just a few goals, I want to always have family prayer, I want to be organized and I want to be physically fit.  All these things I can work on and prepare for now. They wont magically come when I go home, when I have my own family or anyghing else.  Wemust work our plan now.  "Prepare for tomorrow by working today." 

                                                         So What is your Vision?

I love you all so much and I hope all is well on that side of the world.Life continues over herel the work is progressing and blessings are being manifested. 

"No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing" 

Love you!

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