Thursday, October 16, 2014

Miracles In Valenzuela

What an amazing week this last week has been. We reached our goal of contacting 20 people in a day... we didn't reach it every day but we gave our best and we are already seeing the results! We had 4 new investigators this last week and many follow up appointments this coming week. We also had 5 investigators attend church!

One lady that we found is actually a friend of one of our less actives!  We stopped to talk to this random lady on the street when our less active walked by and told us that her friend lived in the same complex. So she introduced us to her friend and they let us into their house. Our less active gave them a tithing pamphlet a while back I guess, and it was actually right above their T.V. We were all out of pamphlets and the only one we had left was law of chastity... yeah go figure. But we found out that she has a 4 month old baby! She is really cute! But we also met her father in law who has been inside the temple for some electrical work! We now have a return appointment with the both of them! And they even gave us a referral! The statement from President Hinkley about member missionary work is so true... Our less active has taken an interest in their progression and is starting to catch a vision of missionary work... Our less active also came to church on Sunday after having missed a few!

The work here in Valenzuela is looking up and we are seeing miracles everyday!

So... for another "Jayne" moment... I bought marshmallows the other day because they looked good... well than i wanted to "roast" my marshmallow...well of course we don't have a fire so... i pushed the toaster down, but my marshmallow on a fork and enjoyed!... well... there was just a little left on the fork so naturally what do i do?... I pop the fork in my mouth not stopping to think that it may be hot... yeah! It was WAY hot and I now have 4 little fork burns on the inside of my mouth! Thankfully Sister Funaki had some little frozen pop thingys in the fridge! and  Thankfully they didn't blister! just little marks... oh... and than the fire alarm went off!... so i had to figure how to turn that off!... yikes... once again some things never change and I will always be Jayne even if I am a missionary! :)

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