Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Taking a step back

    Do you ever wish you had a camera around to capture all those "perfect" moments?! I saw a quote once that said "we don't remember days, we remember moments"...
    But why? What sets those moments apart from every other moment? Because it seems like some moments, such as those "big milestones" should stay with us forever and mean the most. But for me those big days seem to fade into a blur while the little, unlikely moments stand out like vibrant colors on a black canvas. Maybe it's because in those moments we realize or feel something new, or different. Maybe it's when you body and soul connect together.. Or maybe it's a simple as realizing that time doesn't stop, but goes by rather quickly. Like when you see your "little nephew" and you realize he is no longer a little boy. He is now a young man who is seeing  the value of a genuine compliment and being nice to others, and what it means to have faith. Or maybe it's that "magic in the air" affect that helps us to remember. Such as the night when you find yourself dancing to your favorite song under the only street light in the middle of no where with your best friend. Or perhaps it could be feeling peace and love when you realize a prayer has been answered. 
    You know, it is easy to get caught up in the stress if everyday life. But why should we always focus in the bad?? Are we not told that "thine aflictions will be but a small moment"? (D&C 121:7 ) It's time to start seeing the good. The good in the world, the good in those who have hurt you, and the good in yourself!
    The most tender memories can't be captured on camera because they are felt by the heart. But here's to all the good, yet crazy times I've experienced with those I love the most. A gentle nod to the past as we learn to embrace the unknown.

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